Welcome to the Leopard Cubs Class!
The lessons for the Leopard Cubs are designed to be great fun and introduce children aged 4-7 years old to the basics of Tae Kwon do in an exciting and engaging way. Our aim is to develop balancing skills, good listening skills, the ability to follow simple instructions, good footwork and movement, quick reactions and general fitness. We place huge importance on the 5 tenets of Tae Kwon do. These are:
- Courtesy
Self Control
Indomitable Spirit
These are explained to the children in a way they can understand and we believe that what they learn with us can be used in all aspects of their life, helping them to become resilient and independent individuals.
Meet Our Leopard Cub Class Leaders
The Leopard Cub Class Leaders have specific knowledge about early years education and development as well as being experienced black belts. We also have experience working with children with SEN such as ASD, ADHD and autism.
Leopard Cub 12 Week Programme
Children who start with us aged 4 or 5 will start on our specially developed, 12 week Leopard Cub grading system. The activities are specifically tailored to develop key skills that they will need to practice Tae Kwon Do such as balance for kicking, development of fine motor skills for creating a strong fist for striking, and stretching to promote good flexibility. These are the foundations onto which we build specific Tae Kwon Do techniques such as stances, punching, kicking, knee strikes etc.
We have coloured tape that we award to students as they progress and the colours follow the same junior grading belt colours - orange, green, blue and red. All sessions involve fun stickers and sometimes an appearance from Larry the Leopard! After they have been awarded all 4 colours of tape, they are then ready to move up to the junior grading system. ​
Junior Club Grading Programme
Children who start training with us aged 6 or 7 go straight onto the JUNIOR GRADING SYSTEM and spend more time working on their line work and specific Tae Kwon do techniques. This also includes learning the theory and counting to 10 in Korean. This is done in very small groups so that each child receives dedicated attention from an instructor.
Throughout all the different aspects of the class, the activities are kept straight forward, fun and short. The group is smaller with a higher ratio of adults and helpers so that it is easier for the students to follow instructions and stay focused and they receive the support they need at their young age.
The decision about when your child is ready for the transition into the junior class (aged 8-11) is very specific and based on the progress and development of the individual child. We really get to know our students and make the decision on what is best for them and what part of the club we feel best meets their needs.
We have high expectations for behaviour in the class and children are encouraged to concentrate and focus to the best of their ability. At this age, we do not expect the techniques to be perfect, but we do expect great effort and enthusiasm. At the end of every month, we award a super special Leopard of the Month sticker to the student we feel has demonstrated the best use of the tenets in class.